Supplier diversity is one of our major corporate goals. The company's initiatives are designed to provide solid business opportunities for small and diverse businesses, including minority-owned, woman-owned, HUBZone, veteran-owned, and service disabled veteran-owned businesses.
All suppliers are expected to compete on quality, reliability and price.
Stake app AndroidThank you for your interest in registering to be a supplier for Alabama Power. While completion of this process does not guarantee future opportunities with the company, it is a required step in order to be considered for them.
When applying to become a trusted supplier, you will be agreeing with compliance principles, which are a summary of some of the governing terms and conditions contained in our contracts. In addition, you can be confident that ethical behavior applies to every part of our business. Learn more about our Code of Ethics.
Mentor Program
We are committed to developing diverse small businesses and establishing mutually beneficial business relationships with these enterprises. The Supplier Diversity Mentoring Program was created to establish a more diverse supplier base and to cultivate and expand business relationships between diverse suppliers and company representatives.
Second-Tier Opportunities
With our Second Tier Program, we encourage our prime suppliers - our First Tier suppliers - of goods and services to extend subcontracting opportunities to small and diverse businesses.
In the future, we plan to evaluate and enhance our Second Tier efforts. We continue to encourage our First Tier suppliers to extend subcontracting opportunities to other diverse suppliers - with the hope and potential of these suppliers becoming primary suppliers. Additionally, stake app reviewwe will recruit businesses from an expanded pool of diverse supplier categories.
Listed below is a small sampling of the products and services procured by Alabama Power: