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For distribution lines, the ones you may see in your neighborhood or community, we generally maintain a 30-foot-wide easement area for overhead lines; 15 feet left and right of the line.

In every situation, we work to balance aesthetic concerns with our responsibility to provide a reliable electric system. We use specific information, risk levels and a variety of factors to decide the best method to use in stake.commaintaining potential threats.

We utilize industry best management practices to maintain vegetation on the ground floors of our rights of way. This is accomplished primarily by non-restricted herbicide applications and mowing as needed. We use trained and professional maintenance crews to selectively apply herbicide products to manage plant growth in an environmentally sound manner.

Allowed Encroachments Icon

Benefits of Herbicide Application

  • Trees and woody vegetation that are cut or mowed still have a viable root system that may re-sprout prolifically. Herbicides are applied to prevent sprouts from growing quickly and thereby reduce the need for repetitive cutting and mowing.
  • Application of herbicides results in the growth of compatible low-growing, non-woody plants, such as grasses and other species. These new low-growing plant communities provide greater plant bio-diversity, improving wildlife and pollinator habitats.

Safety Always Comes First

  • The herbicide products we use are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which requires rigorous toxicological, environmental and chemical testing before the herbicides are registered for use.
  • All applications are performed under the supervision of a licensed applicator.
Discouraged Encroachments Icon

Plan Before You Plant

  1. We recommend you start by sketching your yard, indicate all structures, both above and below ground. Consider location to any permanent structure, like the house, power poles, driveway, outdoor lighting, overhead lines, underground utilities, pools, kids’ play equipment, etc.
  2. Please call 811 before you start digging, this will make sure you will not unintentionally hit something underneath the earth’s surface.
  3. Determine the space needed for each plant, be mindful to consider the mature height of each plant, as well as, maximum width.
  4. Determine the look you are hoping to achieve. We have some great examples for you here.
Our Notification Process

Our Notification Process

We trim or cut trees only where we have a legal right to do so and only where we believe it is necessary. Our employees who manage our tree-service contractors, along with the supervisors of our contractors, are certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. In other words, they are trained to know the proper techniques for trimming trees.

Typically, before work begins in a neighborhood, a representative for Alabama Power will knock on doors and leave notices at homes where trees need trimming. A representative is also available to discuss tree-trimming guidelines with customers.


Why are you trimming or cutting down my trees?

An easement is defined as “a legal interest in real property that grants Stake app Androidthe right to use in some specified manner the property of another.” Easements, also called rights of way, give Alabama Power Company the right to use another landowner’s property to construct, operate, and maintain transmission facilities such as towers, poles, lines, guys, anchors, and all communication lines necessary or convenient in connection therewith. Easements also contain language specifying rights such as ingress/egress, which give Alabama Power Company the right to enter and leave from the transmission line rights of way. Most easements are perpetual in duration. As such, when a property is sold and conveyed to another owner, the easements remain in effect and are binding to the new owner.    

What is Integrated Vegetation Management?

Integrated vegetation management (IVM) is a process that balances the use of mechanical, chemical, cultural and biological treatments to establish and maintain a vegetative cover type that is compatible with the environment.

Through the IVM process, we balance the needs and safety of our customers as well as costs to provide reliable electric service. 

What happens when trees come into contact with power lines?

Under certain conditions, trees and tree limbs can conduct power if they come in contact with power lines. If you see a fallen tree in contact with a power line, immediately contact Alabama Power. No one should climb trees that are in the vicinity of power lines. Serious injury or death may result from climbing a tree and making direct contact with or coming too close to an energized line.

If trees or tree limbs fall and tear down power lines, the downed power lines may still be energized while in the air or on the ground. If you see a downed line, always assume it is energized and stay away. Never touch or try to drive over a downed power line. If you see a downed line, immediately contact Alabama Power.

Alabama Power schedules periodic vegetation maintenance along power lines to minimize outages caused by trees in or near transmission and distribution rights of way. We also depend on help from the public. When people identify downed lines or trees touching power lines and act wisely, it minimizes the risk from trees contacting power lines.

Will I be notified before a tree crew comes to cut trees in my yard?

We trim or cut trees only where we have a legal right to do so and only where we believe it is necessary. Our employees who manage our tree-service contractors, along with the supervisors of our contractors, are certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. In other words, they are trained to know the proper techniques for trimming trees.

Typically, before work begins in a neighborhood, a representative for Alabama Power will knock on doors and leave notices at homes where trees need trimming. A representative is also available to discuss tree-trimming guidelines with customers.

How often does Alabama Power trim or cut trees?

Alabama Power trims trees to provide reliable service to our customers. Planned maintenance is prioritized by evaluating reliability data, field conditions and other specific information. There are instances when a tree must be trimmed or removed outside of planned maintenance.    

Who should trim or cut trees around power lines?

stake casinoOnly line clearance qualified personnel should perform tree work around or adjacent to power lines and electrical equipment. Serious injuries and even fatalities have occurred when untrained individuals have done this work without the assistance of qualified professionals. Please contact us to request a representative to make evaluations of your request.

Is Alabama Power responsible for cleanup after trimming trees or weather events?

Much of our pruning and cutting occurs during planned maintenance. In maintained or landscape settings, our policy is to dispose of any small limbs and brush. The larger pieces of wood are cut, but not necessarily in firewood lengths. In non-landscaped sites, pruned vegetation and wood are left in place to biodegrade.

When a severe weather situation or other natural events cause trees or other vegetation to fall across power lines and damage facilities, we cut the trees and brush, so poles and lines can be replaced and re-energized. Disposal of any wood, limbs or debris resulting from this type of emergency operation is the responsibility of the property owner.

Does Alabama Power use herbicides to control vegetation in rights of way?

Alabama Power uses environmentally responsible herbicide applications to control tall-growing incompatible plants within power line rights of way. Our objective is to promote low-growing vegetation to minimize potential electric power interruptions, which also enhances wildlife habitat. We use professional crews to apply herbicide by utilizing different methods including foliar, stump, stem and vine applications. Alabama Power crews have been trained on the proper, safe and environmentally responsible techniques of managing plant growth. All products used by Alabama Power are registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and approved by appropriate state agencies.    

Can I replace a tree that has been cut down?

Absolutely. Before you plant a tree or shrub, please make sure the location is out of the right of way and refer to our “How do I know what to plant?” brochure. Do not forget to call 811 before you dig.

Can I trim trees myself?

Occasionally, a property owner will make the decision to conduct trimming or removals on their own or hire a third party. Pruning trees around power lines should only be attempted by qualified professionals. Serious injuries, and even fatalities, have occurred when unqualified individuals perform this type of work without the assistance of qualified professionals. As stated in the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) standards and ANSI Stake reviewZ133, an unqualified person should not work within 10 feet of overhead power lines with voltages below 50,000 volts. The distance increases with voltage for all voltages equal to or higher than 50,000 volts.

What gives Alabama Power the right of way?

An easement is defined as “a legal interest in real property that grants Stake app Androidthe right to use in some specified manner the property of another.” Easements, also called rights of way, give Alabama Power Company the right to use another landowner’s property to construct, operate, and maintain transmission facilities such as towers, poles, lines, guys, anchors, and all communication lines necessary or convenient in connection therewith. Easements also contain language specifying rights such as ingress/egress, which give Alabama Power Company the right to enter and leave from the transmission line rights of way. Most easements are perpetual in duration. As such, when property is sold and conveyed to another owner, the easements remain in effect and are binding to the new owner.    

My property has an electric transmission line easement on it. Can I still use it?

Transmission line easements give Alabama Power Company the right to limit, and at times, require the removal of an encroachment at the owner’s expense from transmission line right-of-way. It is best to contact your local Alabama Power Right of Way Specialist to discuss the compatible uses of the electric transmission line right-of-way.

I have noticed electric transmission lines on a job that I'm working on. What should I do?

Alabama Power Company considers safety a preeminent concern. Many times, during a construction or development project, you will notice high voltage transmission lines on the property. Please notify your local Alabama Power Right of Way Specialist to review the proposed encroachment and required documentation.    

Contact Us

If you have a request or question about easements or rights of way on your property, please fill out this form below. A representative will contact you within 5-7 business days.